Elk Links
XCrySDen - a crystalline and molecular structure visualisation program
V_Sim - another crystalline and molecular structure visualisation program
DRAWxtl - a crystalline structure visualisation program which can read Elk files
Bilbao Crystallographic Server - a web site with crystallographic programs and databases
Andrew Chizmeshya site - sample input and output files for a number of molecular and condensed phase systems
G95 - a free, open source Fortran 90/95 compiler
GNU Fortran - another free, open source Fortran 90/95 compiler
GotoBLAS - an optimised implementation of the BLAS library available for a range of architectures
ATLAS - Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software: an optimised implementation of BLAS and a subset of LAPACK
FFTW - a highly efficient fast Fourier transform (FFT) library compatible with Elk
Grace - a WYSIWYG 2D plotting tool for the X Window System
OpenDX - a powerful, full-featured software package for the visualization of scientific data
ProTeX - a perl script to produce a LaTeX compatible document from Fortran source code
Planewaves, Pseudopotentials, and the LAPW Method - a very useful book by David Singh and Lars Nordström
NEdit - a multi-purpose text editor with syntax highlighting available for Elk input and output
JEdit - an excellent Java-based text editor which has been used for almost all Elk development
VESTA - a 3D visualisation program for structural models and data which can read Elk files
ASE - The Atomic Simulation Environment
CODATA - internationally recommended values of the fundamental physical constants and energy equivalents
Intel MKL link line advisor - useful for finding the library dependencies of the Intel compiler
Testing ABINIT PAW datasets with Elk - a tutorial written by Martin Stankovski

Other DFT codes
Special versions of Elk/EXCITING
ABINIT - a highly sophisticated open source pseudopotential plane wave code
PWSCF - another open source pseudopotential plane wave code
Octopus - a pseudopotential code specialising in time-dependent DFT
Wien2k - a powerful FP-LAPW code with a large user community
FLEUR code - another FP-LAPW code with emphasis on magnetism and surface calculations

Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Theory Department
Condensed Matter Theory Group, Uppsala
Institut für Physik, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
Atomistic Modelling and Design of Materials, University of Leoben